Biotin For Beard Growth: Is It Helpful? Know The Truth Here!

Biotin For Beard Growth

The beard trend is on the constant rise and almost everyone wants to have a full grown beard to look masculine and handsome. There are many companies in the market offering various methods to grow a full beard. And, Biotin supplements or products containing biotin are some of the most popular ones. But, is biotin for beard growth really effective? 

Well, if you are also wondering and researching whether biotin can help in beard growth or not, keep reading. Here, we will discuss every detail about it and explore if it can aid in beard growth or not.

What Exactly Is Biotin?

Biotin, also known as vitamin B7, is one of the B vitamins that is generally found in foods like bananas, eggs, avocados, etc. 

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Biotin brings tremendous amounts of benefits like improving skin and nail health, aiding in hair growth, maintaining fatty acid production, fostering carbohydrate metabolism, etc. It is an essential enzyme that the body requires to break down vital nutrients like fats and carbohydrates. 

Is Biotin For Beard Growth Good?

Currently, there’s no clear evidence stating whether biotin can help in beard growth or not. However, a few studies say that biotin can help in hair growth in individuals who lack biotin in their bodies.

But the same doesn’t apply to people who already have healthy levels of biotin in their body.  If you have healthy levels of biotin in your body, but still cannot grow a proper beard, it might be an indication that your beard growth is hindered due to some other reason.

In 2017, a systematic review was done of 18 studies related to biotin for hair growth. It also found that biotin only helped individuals already experiencing biotin deficiency.

Generally, deficiency of biotin is considered rare in an individual’s body because a human body is already capable of producing enough biotin. However, in case, if an adult becomes biotin deficient, they are likely to experience the following signs: 

  • Thinning hair 
  • Losing hair
  • Red rashes around the various body parts like mouth, nose, etc. 
  • Hallucinations
  • Insomnia 
  • Depression
  • Paresthesias in the extremities

If you experience any of the signs mentioned above, chances are high that you are experiencing biotin deficiency. In that case, biotin supplements can help to tackle the symptoms like thinning hair, hair loss, etc. However, before you begin taking any supplements, make sure to consult with your doctor to avoid any possible risks. 

How To Get Biotin Through Your Diet? 

Yes, you can fulfill your body’s requirement of biotin naturally by adding biotin-rich food to your diet. Here are some of the best foods you should consider to add to your diet to get biotin. 

1. Bananas

Bananas are one of the best and most affordable foods to add to your diet for biotin. You can expect 0.2 mcg of biotin from a small banana weighing around 105 grams. You also get many other nutrients from bananas, such as fiber, carbs, potassium, copper, B vitamins, etc.

Biotin For Beard Growth
Image Credit: Aleksandar Pasaric

2. Egg Yolk

Eggs are a powerhouse of various vitamins and nutrients. Its yolk part is known to be very rich in biotin.

Image Credit: Jane Doan

According to Healthline, a whole cooked egg weighing around 50 grams contains 10 mcg of biotin. So, have cooked eggs every now and then to add a decent amount of biotin to your diet. 

3. Nuts & Seeds

Another great source of biotin – nuts and seeds. 30 grams of roasted almonds will provide around 1.5 mcg of biotin. On the other hand, roasted sunflower seeds will provide you around 2.6 mcg of biotin. You can enjoy nuts in their raw form, add them to your salads or mix them in your pasta dishes.

Biotin For Beard Growth
Image Credit: Usman Yousaf

4. Avocado

Avocado is known to be one of the best sources of biotin. A 100-gram of avocado contains around 1.85 mcg of biotin. You can add avocado to your salad, mash them into the toast, or eat them raw. 

Image Credit: Foodie Factor

5. Broccoli

Broccoli is also a good source of biotin. 45 grams of raw broccoli contains around 0.4 mcg of biotin. You can consume broccoli in many ways; for example, eat it raw with hummus, blend it into soups, or steam or roast it with olive oil.

Biotin For Beard Growth
Image Credit: Polina Tankilevitch

Note – Remember that this is not the exhaustive list of the foods that contain biotin. There are many other foods like organ meats, fish, mushrooms, etc., that you can consume to fulfill the need of biotin. 

Are There Any Other Ways To Get Biotin? 

Besides the natural foods, there are also a few other ways through which you can get biotin. One of the most popular and optimal ways to fulfill the body’s biotin requirement is taking a biotin supplement. But there are so many of them available in the market; thus, make sure to talk to your doctor first before you buy or take any biotin supplement. 

You can also use products like serums, beard oils, or face cream to grow your beard. A few studies say that biotin can be absorbed through the skin, but still, more research is needed on the subject.

Are There Any Risks Associated With Biotin?

Keeping the benefits aside, there are also some risks that biotin may bring along. Here are some possible side effects that can occur with the consumption of a biotin supplement. 

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  • Allergic Reaction – One of the most common side effects of biotin is allergic reactions like skin rashes or swelling.
  • May Interact With Other Medications – If you are already taking any other medication, talk to your doctor before taking a biotin supplement. According to the National Institutes Of Health, biotin may interfere with the effectiveness of certain heart and anticonvulsant drugs. 
  • Sleep-Related Problems – If you take an unusual amount of biotin at night time, you are likely to experience sleep-related problems like insomnia. That’s because biotin tends to give you a burst of energy when you ingest it, especially in high amounts.
  • Stomach-Related Problems – Biotin supplements can also cause various stomach-related problems like cramping, diarrhea, and nausea.

If you notice any of the side effects after taking the biotin supplement, contact your doctor as soon as possible to get the right treatment. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Is It OK to Take Biotin Every Day?

If you are taking biotin by mouth, it is considered safe for most people when taken in a dose of more than 300 mg every day for more than six months.

2. Can I Take Biotin Supplement Without Prescription?

Even though biotin supplements are available without prescription, you should always talk to your doctor before you take them, especially if you are suffering from a health condition. It will help you avoid any potential risks.  

3. How Fast Does Biotin Work?

It actually depends from person to person. But, in general, most individuals begin to experience the benefits of biotin within 30 days of taking the biotin supplement. However, for some people, it may take around 90 days to see the full benefits.

4. Which Fruit is Rich In Biotin?

There are various fruits that are rich in Biotin, for instance, bananas and avocados.


So, that was all you needed to know about biotin for beard growth. 

In a nutshell, it cannot be concretely said if biotin is efficient in growing a beard or not. As per the research, biotin can be helpful for a person in hair growth only if they are experiencing biotin deficiency in their body.

Healthy individuals with adequate levels of biotin in their body will not experience any hair growth benefits from taking additional biotin supplements.

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