The Blue screen of death or the blue screen error or the sudden stop error, basically they all cause the PC to restart or shutdown unexpectedly leaving behind a blue screen error and showing some message regarding hardware errors and leaving you to need to consulting with IT support firm hardware expert. After the error happens, users become unable to perform any other function because either their Taskbar on the screen or the Start Menu are automatically hide from the screen.
Instead the users are given the instructions to restart their PC again which of course is extremely annoying and frustrating. Techloris helps with Window update hangs if you need even more support.
Sometimes this error automatically gets resolved but the chances of the same issue reappearing in the future are also high. Most users think this issue is happening because of a hard disk error or malfunction. This can be true, but at the same time it’s often not the only reason behind this problem.
Besides hardware malfunctioning, there are many other factors that can result in the blue screen error as well.
Here are few tips following which you can permanently get rid of the blue screen issue. There are two basic solutions to this problem that are easy to use and require no installation of third part tools.
- Check for updates
- Remove new or recently installed hardware/software
Check for Updates:
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Sometimes it happens that because of not getting the updates from the Windows Center the hardware of the PC becomes incompatible to support the latest features that’s why the computer’s hardware suddenly stops working. The users are then required to get this issue resolved by updating their Windows because there are many chances that blue screen error is happening because Windows is not up to date. So, simply check for the updates and install these to update your Windows.
Remove New Hardware/Software
Both newly installed hardware and software can cause blue screen errors. However, the chances of new hardware to cause blue screen errors are many time higher than the software. Sometime, new hardware because of non-compatibility issues can cause the blue screen errors. So, simply remove the new installed hardware by simply shutting down the PC first and then restart the PC and microsoft smb.
The idea here is to get your computer back to a point when the error was not happening in order to see what exactly is causing it. It’ll probably be a slow process, but it is the only known reliable way of finding the root cause of the problem.